Modern tooth bonding (composite bonding or dental bonding) is a treatment for repairing minor tooth damage such as chipped fillings and fractures, or concealing gaps between teeth. The newly bonded material appears completely natural and blends in perfectly as a natural part of your tooth. Keynsham Dental Care provides tooth bonding under the NHS and as a private cosmetic treatment.
Modern tooth-coloured restorative materials are bonded to your teeth, often without the need for an anaesthetic. The technique involves attaching a composite resin to your tooth, which is then carefully shaped and coloured to match the appearance of your real teeth. The result is a seamless and natural tooth enhancement which improves the shape and colour of your teeth, and can help you achieve a more confident smile.
Tooth bonding is the quickest and least expensive method of improvement, but is not necessarily a suitable alternative to veneers or crowns. Prices range from £120 per tooth. At Keynsham Dental Care our dentists will discuss the options available to you based on your requirements and advise on the most appropriate treatments.
This process shapes the enamel to improve the appearance of your tooth. It may be used to correct a small chip, or to alter the length, shape or position of teeth.
Tooth contouring can also be used to correct crooked or excessively long teeth. This procedure offers fast results and can even be a substitute for braces under certain circumstances.
Tooth bonding and contouring techniques carried out by a registered dental professional carry very few risks.